TITLE: Bossypants
AUTHOR: Tina Fey
PUBLISHER: Reagan Arthur/Little Brown
PUBLISHED DATE: January 29, 2013
ISBN: 978-0316056892
PAGES: 272
Where in the hell have I been, and why am I only just now reading this book!?
I know...graduate school, full time employment, and four children in four years...ah...the joys of life.
Well....I've read the book now, and it is everything I should have read and more. I loved this book. And if I couldn't have already loved Tina Fey enough already...I loved her on Saturday Night Live. I LOVED 30 Rock. I can't say I'm a fan of all of her movies...I mean...the girl has to have flaws!
But THIS! ...
...this book though!
I mean, if thigh biscuits isn't enough to run you out right now to your library....you just have to read it...ohmagawd! LOL! I laughed, chuckled, and was extraordinarily entertained from the very first word to the very last word. I'm really not going to say any more about it other than you need to get up off your behind and pick up the book right now!
Recommendation: Uh DUH! READ IT ALREADY!
Audience: Millenials and Beyond