AUTHOR: Lena Dunham
PUBLISHER: Random House
PUBLISHED DATE: September 30, 2014
ISBN: 978-0812994995
PAGES: 288
Well...Lena Dunham sure does like to talk about her vagina. A lot.
But if you've ever watched an episode of her hit HBO tv show, Girls, you probably already know that. I wouldn't feel comfortable recommending this book to a teen, but they probably already have read this book already or even binged watched the show - but if they happen upon on their own - I'm Kermit the frog...sipping tea...in the corner...that's not my business.
Dunham is solidly a voice for the twenty-something millenial set, and I have watched her show - more avidly when it first came on then now, so when I saw the book available on my library's overdrive - I downloaded and listened. Dunham reads the book herself - so it's like listening to an episode of "Girls".
Dunham describes her parents in ways that are both endearing and cringe-worthy, and writes about her relationship history with the pacing and emphasis typically reserved for horror...or at least, what I would consider horror. I don't know if you'll take away that the author "learned" anything. But if you are a fan of Dunham, you may appreciate the book. Despite the book being unredeemably random, her style of writing is witty and effortless.
Recommendation: Only if you're a stan for Lena Dunham.
Audience: Millenials and Beyond