TITLE: The Batboy
AUTHOR: Mike Lupica
PUBLISHER: Puffin Books
PUBLISHED DATE: February 22, 2011
ISBN: 978-0142417829
PAGES: 272
Ok...so this book was totally after school special..and I liked it anyway.
It has heart, is definitely a good choice for a reluctant reader or sports aficionado, and it's just a feel-good "the-more-you-know" 90's kind of book.
Brian desperately wants to be a batboy for the Detroit Tigers. His barrier...you have to be 16, and he's only 14. He applies anyway, gets rejected, then writes an impassioned letter that lands him the job. Brian has a deep love of Baseball...his father is a former Detroit Tiger, and the game used to bring the two together, until his father left with a heartbreaking letter that he just doesn't know how to be a dad. ***insert heartbreak and violins*** Brian's baseball hero, Hank Bishop, returns to the Tigers after a fall from grace following a revelation that he was addicted to steroids and disappoints on the field. Brian tries desperately to connect with his dad and Bishop, but his insignificance to both figures proves that his deep love of baseball is not enough to make anyone love or notice him. One day, Bishop gives Brian some batting tips, and the two make an unforgettable connection. I can see a lot of boys really enjoying this book. Even though this is very clearly a baseball book, even if you're not a sports fan, there's enough heart left that it's still accessible. Don't expect any plot twists, literary devices, or surprise endings here! This is comfort reading, no doubt.
Recommendation: Read it!
Audience: Young adults