AUTHOR: Luvvie Ajayi
PUBLISHER: Holt Paperbacks
PUBLISHED DATE: September 13, 2016
ISBN: 978-1627796064
PAGES: 256
I laughed and side eyed this book! I'm Judging You: The Do Better Manual reads like the blog of the popular Twitter and shade queen, Luvvie Ajayi. I am excited to support this young black woman - I always try to buy books and support media that lift up the young ones among us who have vision, creativity, and talent. I'm a newbie to Twitter, so I wasn't there for her early rise on social media, but like a lot of people - I marvel at Ajayi's success within this new media realm.
The book starts off much like Luvvie's blog....witty and funny and petty and messy. She judges the imperfections of her friends and their dating choices...she judges people who don't know how to use hashtags and people who are spam artists... Then she goes a little deeper and judges people who shoot up churches, and people who are intolerant about other people's beliefs which segways into her professing her Christian beliefs, her coming to America story, and then she's back to judging...this time fame whores and social media snobs. And after purging herself of all of this judgment, she admits that she herself is a chief offender.
My feelings on the book are obviously mixed, but if you love Luvvie, you should run out and support your Black Twitter Bae!
Recommendation: Fans of Luvvie will enjoy.
Audience: Millennials and Beyond