AUTHOR: Joanna Penn
PUBLISHER: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
PUBLISHED DATE: July 7, 2015
ISBN: 978-1514756638
PAGES: 132
This was actually a very concise and helpful read. Especially when you go on Facebook and your friend posts this. I am an unpublished writer. My notebooks and Google drive are full of things I hope to pull together into a book that someone, someday may want to read. And like most people with dreams and ambitions to write, I hope that I'll be able to land that dream deal where I'll be able to write full time and touch people's hearts and minds all over the world. The sad truth for the majority of readers is that you'll probably never reach the upper echelons of the publishing and literary world. And maybe....there's nothing wrong with that. Maybe there exists a world where you can write what you love and still make a living from it. Penn gives some very solid and practical advice on how to "make it work" (said in my Tim Gunn voice).
Define What Success Means to You.
Penn stresses the importance of being clear about what you want to get out of your writing career. Do you want the respect of the literati or do you want to get paid? Rarely do most writers receive both, some may receive one without the other. Because the process of getting published and getting paid can be slow and not afford even the best of writers to truly sustain a living from solely writing, Penn shows how an independent writer - through the rise and potential for growth in the digital publishing market - can get their product directly to the consumer and start receiving the proceeds from sales quicker.
Create Multiple Streams of Revenue.
This is probably advice any entrepreneur would give regardless of industry. In this book, Penn will give real examples of ways to do that as an indie writer. She'll give you sites to go that will help you along. She certainly is not shy of plugging her own blog as a resource, but I guess it would make sense if she's already written a step-by-step guide. I'm sure it won't hurt that the additional traffic will increase what she makes through ad services on her blog.
Who Are You Writing For?
Penn gives advice on how to deal with naysayers and those in the publishing world who may look down on independent authors. Not everyone sees indie authors as "real" authors. Some won't see you as legit until you have the backing of a major publishing house. Penn advises writers to keep in mind who you write for.
Making Money with Books. Clip of Joanna Penn at Digital Commerce Summit 2016: The Creative Penn
Recommendation: A good read. Probably anyone already in the publishing industry, or already working as an indie author or, even a published author, would not see anything shared here as new, but I do think someone wishing to come in on the ground floor would find this helpful.
Audience: This book could be given to a teen or an adult. I think a teen would find this helpful.
*I purchased this audiobook on Audible.