TITLE: Sins of the Father
AUTHOR: Thelonious Legend
PUBLISHER: TheLegend Publishing
PUBLISHED DATE: February 16, 2014
ISBN: 978-0615961125
PAGES: 240
I really enjoyed this! It's gems like this that keep me coming back to indies. Please excuse me while I *swoon*.
Sins of the Father is a recipe of black girl magic + Blackish + action/ninja/fantasy that is witty satisfying, and glorious.
Gwen, Ana, and Eve are endowed with super abilities. They are smart, charming naturalistas who take on bullies, incompetent teachers, and federal agents foolish enough to trifle with them. Their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Parker are giving me Andre and Rainbow with a zesty merlot. This is a fairly sophisticated middle grade that could satiate older readers as well as adults.
Recommendation: Read it!
Audience: Middle grade and up
*I received this ebook from the author.