AUTHOR: Bunmi Laditan
ISBN: 978-0778330684
PAGES: 336
I LOVED this book!
This book goes out to all the home-bound moms doing the good work...never feeling good enough....always thinking of the career she woulda-coulda-shoulda had...always thinking the Pinterest moms are doing everything way better... This book speaks to the hollowed out souls of social media addicted millennial moms - and I am so here for the overdue societal drag.
Ashley is the quintessential Hot-Mess mom. Her body has not effortlessly dropped her post-baby weight, she can't cook to save her life, and she can't imagine how the Hot-Body moms manage to do it all, have perfect homes, gourmet meals, and have 3+ polite children. When loneliness crushes whatever is left of her pride and esteem, she decides to join a mommy boot-camp and whip herself back in shape. She ends up going on a hilarious self journey.
I think ladies who are not in this season of life would probably be rolling their eyes all up and through the pages, but as a mother of four, firmly rooted in the trenches of stay-at-homedom... I loved the hell out of this book. Felt like the friend this lonely mom needs to give side-eye and shade to all the guilt trip landmines cleverly hidden all over social media, playgrounds, mom gatherings, and media.
Recommendation: If you're firmly #TeamMommy and need a good laugh and a little pressure release, this'll do it. If nothing else, you're probably doing better than Hot-Mess mom Ashley!
Audiences: This is grown folks business
*This book was borrowed on my library Hoopla account.